The Weekword for this week is therapeutic.
Domestic Scribbles chose this word and it is always interesting to see how each of use uses the word. Everyone needs a little therapy somewhere, somehow. And I have determined that the place for The Distracted Cook to encounter therapeutic methods of treating a disease or condition is in The Therapeutic Kitchen. I am going to just jump to the bottom line here and say outright that cooking is therapy for whatever ails you.
Try standing there with a knife in your hand and tell me that isn't therapeutic. It's just the legal and polite way to get rid of those aggressions, to just release all that tension, and to get dinner underway all at once. Yesterday was a really cold day around here and everyone was thinking "soup." If you've been to the grocery store at all this week you know that they all are talking up the Super Bowl and Buffalo Wings. So this is the perfect time to make some chicken soup and some chicken stock while the stores are overflowing with chicken wings.
A dear friend gave me her recipe for chicken stock and I have been using it for a long while now. But, of course, The Distracted Cook makes changes - or just plain forgets what's what and starts tossing things in the pot. It's a simple recipe, or maybe a method, for making this stock. All you need is:
Therapeutic Chicken Stock
2# chicken wings (this is just an estimate in The Therapeutic Kitchen - more or less is just as good)
Olive oil - a few slugs or glurgs worth
1 carrot - chopped
1 onion ( or half an onion if you are not keen on onions) -chopped
1 stalk celery (more or less) - chopped
a handful of garlic cloves - skins removed, garlic cloves left whole
Turn the
oven on as
high as it will go -( or until your smoke alarm goes off because the remains of that last baked cake have caught on fire) and let it
preheat while you prepare the chicken wings.
Cut the chicken
wings apart at the joints.
Place cut
wings into a shallow pan so that they make one layer.
Olive Oil over wings and mix so they are coated with oil.
Open the oven door and step back! SMOKE! Wait until you can see into the oven and find the racks.
Place pan on rack and shut the oven door, fast!
Set your timer for about
15 minutes or until the kitchen fills with smoke again.
Stir the wings and check to be sure they are browning well.
Here is where The Distracted Cook makes some changes. The original recipe said to leave the wings in the oven at 450 -550 degrees for about 30 to 45 minutes or until they were all golden brown and crunchy. The Distracted Cook
turns the heat down after the first 15 minutes and lets it finish out at about
350 degrees and it takes
about 30 minutes. I suppose if you had a professional kitchen with all those great vents and fans it wouldn't make such a big mess, but in my kitchen - the fire trucks are on the way!
Take the pan out of the oven and place the
wings into a stock pot on the stove.
Take the chopped
vegetables and garlic cloves that you have waiting and
dump them into the hot pan from the oven,
stir them up in the oil that is still hot from the first round in the oven.
Place the
pan back in the oven and let these vegetables roast for about
15 minutes, turning them every so often. The original recipe said to dump the vegetables in the pan with the chicken still in there and put it all back in the oven for the final 15 minutes. Well, if you like blackened vegetables and charred chicken wings, go ahead and do it that way! Not me. I learned the hard way.
Remove the pan of
vegetables from the oven and put the vegetables
into the stockpot with the chicken wings.
Place the
pan from the oven on the stovetop. Pour about
two or three cups of water into the pan and stir it around to loosen all the golden bits of chicken and vegetables from the bottom. Let it come to a
boil, then
pour it into the stockpot.
Add about
4 more cups of water to the stockpot and bring to a
low simmer.
Simmer for 30 minutes. Let cool and
strain the stock into a clean container. Let it come to room temperature and then refrigerate - or make soup right then and there for dinner!
If you want some
good soup right now, chop some
more vegetables, add the meat from the
chicken wings and maybe some
noodles,rice, or dumplings. If you want to add a secret flavor to all of this, go cut some
fresh tarragon and put a few leaves in the soup. Of course if your tarragon has already frozen from this winter weather it may be hard to get some fresh leaves. I had to dig down underneath the oak leaves and acorns to find some baby leaves just emerging. But that was enough!
Magic! Therapeutic! Brilliant!
It is easy to see how this can become a therapy session right here in the kitchen. All that chopping, stirring, jumping back from the hot oven and all that smoke - therapeutic and you get your aerobics in too!